Gnathostoma spinigerum
1.1 Klasifikasi
Phylum: Nematoda
Class: Secernentea
Order: Spirurida
Family: Gnathostomatidae
Genus: Gnathostoma
Species: Gnathostoma spinigerum
Vietnam, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Jepang, Philiphina, Tiongkok.
Cacing dewasa panjangnya bervariasi; jantan : 11-25
milimeter, betina
: 25-54 milimeter. Mempunyai 3 stadium larva. Manusia dapat terinfektir oleh larva
stadium 3 yang bentuknya serupa dengan dewasa, kepala membulat, pada bagian kepala
dikelilingi oleh 4 baris kait yang melingkar (seperti ring).
a. The adult parasite is
reddish-brown in color and has a globular cephalic dome that is separated from
the rest of the body by constriction
b. The posterior portion
of the nematode is smooth while the anterior half is covered with fine
leaf-like spines
c. The head is round and
contains 4 to 8 transverse rows of hooklets that are protected by a pair of
fleshy lips
d. The males are shorter than the
females, 11 to 25 mm compared to 25 to 54 mm respectively
e. Eggs are usually yellow
or brown, oval, and have a mucoid plug at one end
f. The third stave larva
is the infective form of this parasite and can be identified by its round
extremes and cylindrical body as well as the rows of cuticular spines that
decrease towards the posterior end
g. The number of hooklets
present on the advanced third stage larvae is used in the identification of the
parasite when removed from a patient
Siklus Hidup
Life Cycle in Definitive Hosts of Gnathostomiasis
a. Adult worms found in a tumor located in the gastric wall of the
definitive hosts and release eggs into the host’s digestive tract.
b. The eggs are then
released with feces and in about a week hatch in water to develop into the
first larva stage.
c. Larvae are then
ingested by minute copepods of the genus Cyclops.
d. Once
entering the copepod, the larva penetrate the gastric wall of their
intermediate host and begin to develop into second-stage and even early
third-stage larva.
e. The copepods are then ingested by a second intermediate host such
as fish, frogs, or snakes.
f. Within this second intermediate the larva repeat a similar pattern
of penetrating the gastric wall, but then continue to migrate to muscular
tissue and develop into advanced third-stage larvae.
g. These larvae then
encyst within the musculature of the new host.
h. If the cyst containing
flesh of these hosts is ingested by a definitive host, such as tigers, the
cysts are ingested and the larvae escape the cysts and penetrate the gastric
i. These released larvae
travel to the connective tissue and muscle as observed before and after 4 weeks
they return to the gastric wall as adults.
j. Here they form a
tumor and continue to mature into adults for the next 6-8 months. Worms
mate and begin to excrete eggs with feces 8-12 months after ingestion of cysts.
Life Cycle in Humans
a. Infection
in humans follows ingestion of raw, insufficiently cooked infected intermediate
b. The ingested third
stage larvae migrate from the gastric wall and its migration through
subcutaneous tissues results in the symptoms associated with gnathostomiasis
c. The third stage larvae
do not return to the gastric wall, which prevents the larvae from maturing into
adult worms, leaving the parasite unable to complete its life cycle.
d. Instead the larvae
continue to migrate unpredictably in the patient, and are unable to develop
into adults, so eggs are seldom found in diagnostic tests.
e. This also means the
number of larvae present in humans is a reflection of the number of third stage
larvae ingested.
a. Gnathostoma spinigerum dewasa tinggal pada tumor dinding usus dari
kucing atau anjing.
b. Telur dikeluarkan oleh cacing dewasa dari tempat lesi tersebut yang
kemudian keluar bersamafaeces masuk kedalam air. Didalam air telur berkembang menjadi embryonated yang
kemudianmenetas keluar larva stadium I.
c. Larva stadium I
bergerak bebas di dalam air dan bila tertelan oleh intermediate host I (cyclops)maka
di dalam tubuh cyclops berkembang menjadi larva stadium II.
d. Bila cyclops tersebut dimakan oleh Intermediate Host II (ikan, katak atau ular)
maka larva stadium II akan berkembang menjadi larva stadium III dalam tubuh
binatang-binatang tersebut.
e. Bila Intermediate host II dimakan oleh Definitif host maka larva
akan tumbuh menjadi cacing dewasa. Manusia terinfektir bila makan
Intermediate host II yang kurang sempurna memasaknya. Tetapi dalam tubuh
manusia tak dapat berkembang menjadi dewasa (tetap stadium III)dan mengadakan
Mekanisme Transmisi
is primarily transmitted by ingestion of raw, insufficiently cooked
intermediate hosts such as fresh water fish, birds or amphibians. There have
also been reports of transmission by direct penetration of the skin on the palm
resulting from the handling of infected meat. Mother to fetus
transmission has also been identified as a result of larva migration to the
fetus through the placenta.
Sumber Infeksi
1. Intermediate host
The primary intermediate host for
gnathostomiasis is the minute crustacean of the genus Cyclops. These
crustaceans are then ingested by a second intermediate host such as fish,
birds, and frogs.
Definitive host
The definitive host for
gnathostomiasis includes cats, dogs, tigers, leopards, lions, minks, opossums,
and raccoons. However the primary reservoirs for this parasite are cats
and dogs.
Incubation Period
incubation period for gnathostomiasis is 3-4 weeks which is when the larvae
begin to migrate through the subcutaneous tissue of the body.
Patologi dan Simtomatologi
Di dalam hospes alami seekor cacing atau lebih terdapat di dalam benjolan
dengan indurasi di dalam dinding perut atau kadang-kadang di dinding usus. Pada
manusia cacing yang belum dewasa dapat ditemukan di dalam alat-alat dalam atau
dekat kulit. Pada tempat-tempat tersebut mereka membentuk pembengkakan dan
abses yang meradang yang mungkin menetap atau cepat hilang. Cacing dapat berpindah-pindah
melalui jaringan hospes dan membuat terowongan mendatar melalui jaringan kulit,
membentuk semacam “creeping eruption”. Invasi mata disertai dengan iritis,
uveitis, perdarahan dan cellulitis orbita pernah dilaporkan. Saluran nekrosis
dengan perdarahan yang berat ditimbulkan oleh perpindahan cacing melalui sumsum
tulang dan otak. Diantara gejala dan keluhan yang timbul karena peradangan
setempat terdapat eosinofili, hematuri, hemoptysis, pembengkakan pharinx dengan
sesak napas, dan edema angioneurotik dan abses.
primary form of diagnosis of gnathostomiasis is the identification of larva in
the tissue. Serological testing such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA) or the Western blot are also reliable but may not be easily accessible
in endemic areas. CT scan can be used to help identify a soft tissue worm
and when looking at CNS disease it can be used to reveal the presence of the
worm. Urinalysis can also be used to identify the presence of hematuria
or the worm, but it is not a very reliable diagnostic tool.
subkutis, eosinofili yang nyata dan penderita berada di suatu daerah endemi
memberikan kemungkinan infeksi, tetapi diagnosis akhir tergantung kepada
identifikasi cacing. Reaksi intrakutan telah pula dipakai.
The best strategies for preventing accidental
infection of humans education of those living in endemic areas is to educate
those living in endemic areas about the risk associated with eating raw seafood.
The inability of the parasite to complete its life cycle within humans means
that transmission can easily be contained by adequate preparation of meat from
intermediate hosts. This is especially useful because of the difficulty
and lack of feasibility inherent in eliminating all intermediate hosts.
So instead, individuals in endemic areas should avoid eating raw and
undercooked meat in endemic areas, but this may be difficult in these
areas. This is due to the preference for dishes containing raw fish in
these endemic areas. The dish ceviche is native to Peru and is a favorite
of Mexico. It consists of onion, cubed fish, lime or lemon juice, and
Andean spices including salt and chili. These ingredients are mixed
together and are allowed to marinate for several hours before being served at
room temperature. Then in endemic areas in Southeast Asia there are
traditional dishes that contain raw seafood that are also associated with these
endemic areas, such as koipla in Thailand, koi ga in Vietnam, and sushi in
Japan. By acknowledging these cultural traditions, education can be
tailored to these cultures and individuals can be educated on methods of
adapting their food preparation activities in order to remove the larvae
without greatly altering these traditional dishes. For instance, meat
should be marinated in vinegar for six hours or in soy sauce for 12 hours in
order to successfully kill the larvae. In areas with reliable
electricity, meat can be frozen at -20 degrees centigrade for 3-5 days to
achieve the same results of killing the larvae present.
1.13 Pengobatan
The most prescribed treatment for gnathostomiasis is
surgical removal of the larvae but this is only effective when the worms are
located in an accessible location. In addition to surgical excision,
albendazole and ivermectin have been noted in their ability to eliminate the
parasite. Albendazole is recommended to be administered at 400mg daily
for 21 days as an adjunct to surgical excision, while ivermectin is better
tolerated as a single dose. Ivermectin can also serve as a replacement
for those that can’t handle albendazole 200 ug/kg p.o. as a single dose.
However, ivermectin has been shown to be less effective then albendazole .
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